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Publications (student coauthors; *= undergraduate; ** = graduate)

Gomes, H.B*, DiAngelo, J., and Santangelo, N. 2019. Characterization of courtship behavior and copulation rate in adp60 mutant (Insecta: Diptera: Drosophilidae). The European Zoological Journal 86:1 249-254. 


Bakker, A.K.**, Dutton, J., Sclafani, M., and Santangelo, N. 2017. Accumulation of nonessential trace elements (Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb) in Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) early life stages. Science of the Total Environment. 596: 69-78.


Bakker, A.K**., Dutton, J., Sclafani, M., and Santangelo, N. 2017. Maternal transfer of trace elements in the Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus). Ecotoxicology. 26: 46-57.


Bakker, A.K.**, Dutton, J., Sclafani, M., and Santangelo, N. 2016. Environmental exposure of Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) early life stages to essential trace elements. Science of the Total Environment. 572: 804-812.


Santangelo, N. 2015. Female breeding experience affects parental care strategies of both parents in a monogamous cichlid fish. Animal Behavior. 104: 31-37.


Scherer, A*. & Santangelo N. 2014. Reproductive habitat requirements of the federally threatened blackside dace Chromus cumberlandensis.. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71(3): 408-415.


Snekser, J., Santangelo N., & M. Itzkowitz. 2011. Sex differences in biparental care as offspring develop: a field study of convict cichlids (Amatitlania siquia).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 91: 15-25.


Santangelo, N. & A.H. Bass. 2010. Individual behavioral and neuronal phenotypes for arginine vasotocin mediated courtship and aggression in a territorial teleost. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution 75: 282-291.


Gagliardi-Seeley, J., J. Leese, N. Santangelo, & M.Itzkowitz. 2009. Mate choice in female convict cichlids (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus) and the relationship between male size and dominance. Journal of Ethology 27:2 249-254


Santangelo, N. & A.H. Bass. 2006. New insights into neuropeptide modulation of aggression: Field studies in a territorial tropical damselfish. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B: Biological Sciences 273: 3085-3092. (a Proceedings highlighted paper).


Santangelo, N. & M. Itzkowitz. 2006. How does competition influence mate choice decisions for males and females in the monogamous convict cichlid fish, Archocentrus nigrofasciatus? Behaviour 143: 619-642.


Richter, M, N. Santangelo, & Itzkowitz, M. 2005.  Biparental division of roles in the convict cichlid fish: Influence of intruders numbers and locations. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 17:1-15.


Santangelo, N. 2005. Courtship as communication: What are individuals saying to rejected and selected mates? Animal Behaviour 69: 143-149.


Itzkowitz, M., N. Santangelo, A. Cleveland, A. Bockelman, & M. Richter. 2005. Is the selection of sex-typical parental roles based on an assessment process? A test in the monogamous convict cichlid fish. Animal Behaviour 69: 95-105.


Santangelo, N & M. Itzkowitz. 2004. Sex differences in the mate selection process of the monogamous, biparental convict cichlid, Archocentrus nigrofasciatum. Behaviour 141: 1041-1059.


Itzkowitz, M., N. Santangelo, & M. Richter. 2003. How does a parent respond when its mate emphasizes the wrong role? A test using a monogamous fish. Animal Behaviour 66(5):863-869.


Santangelo, N., M. Itzkowitz, M. Richter, & M.P. Haley. 2002. Resource attractiveness of the male beaugregory damselfish and his decision to court or defend. Behavioral Ecology 13: 676-681.


Itzkowitz, M, N. Santangelo, & M. Richter. 2002. How similar is the coordination of parental roles among different pairs?  An examination of a monogamous fish. Ethology 108 (8): 727-738. 


Itzkowitz, M, N.Santangelo, & M. Richter. 2001. Parental division of labor in a monogamous fish: The shift from minimal to maximal role specialization. Animal Behaviour. 61(6): 1237-1245.


Diruggiero, J, N. Santangelo, Z. Nackerdien, J. Ravel, F. T. Robb. 1997. Repair of extensive ionizing-radiation DNA damage at 95 degrees C in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus. Journal of Bacteriology, 179 (14): 4643-4645.

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